Summer Camps

Jumpstart Workshops

Our small-group summer Jumpstart Workshops will help students gain confidence and learn the fundamental concepts to start the school year on a high note!

Our Geometry and Algebra 2 Jumpstarts are for students going into regular or honors classes.

Jumpstart Pricing: $495 per Workshop

  • Geometry Jumpstart:

    Monday, 8/4 through Friday, 8/8 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm

  • Algebra II Jumpstart:

    Monday, 8/4 through Friday, 8/8 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm

Do you have a Westminster student? If so, we also offer customized workshops for the Westminster curriculum.

Academic Camps

Mix and match our targeted Academic Camps to curate the ideal learning program for your child!

Academic Camp Pricing Per Family:
1 Camp for $395
2 Camps for $650
3 Camps for $895

  • Fractions/Decimals/Percents Camp
    (Rising 5th – 7th)

  • Algebra I Camp
    (Rising 7th – 9th)

  • Study Skills Camp
    (Rising 6th – 9th)

For descriptions of each camp, please see below.

/Percents Camps

Do you want your child to understand his or her math 100% or 1.0 or 100/100?   This workshop will guarantee all three as it will reinforce the vital building blocks of percents, decimals, and fractions. These essential concepts will establish the foundation necessary for all future math classes and in everyday life. Give your student the edge in this fun and interactive workshop!


Rising 5th – 7th

Camps Offered

Monday, 7/28 through Friday, 8/1
10:30am to 12:00pm

Monday, 8/4 through Friday, 8/8
12:30pm to 2:00pm


Mix and match our targeted Academic Camps to curate the ideal learning program for your child!

1 Camp for $395
2 Camps for $650
3 Camps for $895

Algebra I Camp

The history of algebra stretches back 4,000 years to ancient Egypt and Babylon.  We’ll fill you in on developments since in our algebra workshop this summer!  Nailing down key algebraic concepts will help you succeed in math, ace standardized tests, and restore a sense of “balance” to your life … if you can get that from equations 😉


Rising 7th – 9th

Camp Offered

Monday, 7/28 through Friday, 8/1
2:00pm to 3:30pm


Mix and match our targeted Academic Camps to curate the ideal learning program for your child!

1 Camp for $395
2 Camps for $650
3 Camps for $895

Study Skills Camp

Academic success requires more than just smarts.  The best students use tailored study strategies, manage time well, and keep their “files” - physical and digital - in good order.  Whether or not a paper monster lives in your student’s backpack, there is always room to develop better study and organizational skills.  Help your student hit the ground running this fall with the essential strategies learned from this camp!


Rising 6th – 9th

Camp Offered

Monday, 7/28 through Friday, 8/1
12:30pm to 2:00pm


Mix and match our targeted Academic Camps to curate the ideal learning program for your child!

1 Camp for $395
2 Camps for $650
3 Camps for $895